Friday, 14 December 2007

Saturday Mass time to change

In a wide ranging report on changes in the Deanery of North Staffordshire, Archbishop Vincent has decided that the 5.45pm Saturday Evening Mass at Sacred Heart, Hanley will be discontinued, and from February 10th 2008 the first Mass of Sunday will be celebrated at 12.05pm on Saturday afternoon. 

Monday, 3 December 2007

Notices for Sunday December 2nd

Carol Concert Tickets now available for Wed nesday 19th Dec ember at 7.30pm .

Salve - our parish magazine, is on sale this weekend (£1) and is a vailable from the back of Church - please put money in the 'Salve' wall safe - or buy a copy from Debbie Scalise, before or after Mass on Sunday mornings.

Stunning Marian Calendars for 2008 available for only £5 each.

Fairtrade/Traidcraft - please show your commitment to  buying fairly traded goods, by making a purchase from our very well stocked stall in the presbytery.

Jumble Sale - Many thanks to all who help with the jumble sales at Sacred Heart.  The total sum raised in 2007, thanks to the hard work of a small but dedicated group of people, is £4,653.  Jumble sales resume in Jan 2008.

Walk With Me for Advent is available for a donation of £1.

The Journey in Faith group meet on Tuesday 4th December at 7.30pm  in the Newman Room ( behind Sacred Heart Church ). The topic this week will be "What does Confirmation mean?"

The Mass Diary for 2008 has arrived, please speak to Fr. Peter to book a Mass for next year .

Christmas Party in the Presbytery - Wed 12th Dec at 7pm.  O pen to everyone in the parish. Only £1 on the door.

Advent 'Day by Day'  now available for £1.50.

Confirmation and First Holy Communion - please let Fr. Peter know of those to be prepared for these Sacraments.

The 200 Club Winners for October are Mrs Orme, P. Sadula, I. Yates, A. Spain  and M. Underwood. Congratulations!

Mince P ie & Cuppa   - served in the presbytery e ach Sunday morning after Mass, during Advent. All welcome!

Prayer Group Meeting at 7pm in the Presbytery on Tuesday 4th December. All welcome.

New & Unused Digital Camera for sale for £40 (worth £120) please see Fr. Peter.

The 2008 Directory for the Archdiocese of Birmingham are now available for £3.50 each. Inside it is an article written by Jim Ward, on Fr. Jim Dutton!

Christmas Cards and Calendars are on sale at the piety stall - why not take a look!

Confessions - Fr. Peter will be hearing confessions from 12 noon on Wed 19th, Thur 20th & Fri 21st December.

Paperless Christmas Calendar

During Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament carols will be played in Church and each day in Advent the bells will play a different carol at 9am and at the end of mass.

The Carol Service c ollection   is in aid of the Handicapped Children's Pilgrimage Trust.

Decorating the Church will take place on Friday 14 Dec from 4pm, all help appreciated.

Advent Prayer Candles ( £1) available from back of Church.

Financial Report:

Collection: (not including Standing Orders) £191

Second Collection:

National Youth Sunday £165

Poor Box: £80

Building Fund: £50 , Bottle £5, Jumble Sale: £227

Traidcraft: £128

Donations Organ: £255

Other Donations: £76

CAFOD: £49 . Thank you!

Thank you!


Friday, 21 September 2007


Josie Delicata. We were very sad to hear the news of the death of Josie Delicata in the Macmillan Hospice early on Friday morning. The Delicata family have been members of this parish almost since the Church was built. Josie was a kind and gentle person, loved and respected by family and very many friends, and she endured much in these past few months. Please pray for her soul, and for all who mourn her loss. (Funeral details to follow).

The Deanery Youth Music Group will be leading the music for Mass on Saturday evening 29th September.

Sr Felita's Celebration Mass in honour of her final profession, will take place here at Sacred Heart on October 7th at 10.30am. The sisters will take a leading role in the Liturgy (those who were at Sr Christie's anniversary celebrations will know what I mean(!)). Afterwards there will be a reception in the Centre. Please brinig contributions of food/snacks on the morning of the celebration. There is a list at the back of the Church.

Fr Peter is on holiday from 1st to 20th October (though he will be hear on the weekend of 6/7th October).

Mass times. Thank you for all your feedback and suggestions about possible changes to Mass times. Fr Peter has decided to make no changes before Christmas, as Deanery discussions after the "Building for Tomorrow" consultation are still continuing. For future reference - there is really no need to send anonymous letters ... especially when they are polite and reasonable.

Work on the Presbytery is almost complete - but the open invitation to coffee has now been put back to next Sunday morning (September 30th) after Mass, as Shirley and many of the other ladies are taking part in the UCM retreat day this weekend.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Sr Felita makes her final profession

On Saturday 8th September, in her home country of Nigeria, Sister Mary Felita made her final profession as a sister of the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Cogratulations Sr Felita!

Radio Stoke photos

The photographs from our Radio Stoke Broadcast service can be viewed online: here

Friday, 7 September 2007

Easy Fundraising for the Parish

Have you ever used the internet to go shopping? If so you can get the same bargain prices and help your parish. Simply start shopping from and a proportion of what you spend is donated to the parish (sometimes up to 15%!). PC World, Tesco Direct, Amazon and many others are part of the scheme. Start shopping now!

Tuesday, 4 September 2007


Archbishop Vincent has wirtten an article in Catholic Today about the Cumberlege Report which is about the Church's work on Child Abuse. It is an invitation to you to express your views on the work of the protection of children and vulnerable adults. The Archbishop encourages us all to read the article, the report and send him our responses. There are links to both the letter and the report below.

Letter: .

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

News reports

Here you will find news reports and press releases and activities at Sacred Heart Church, Hanley,, Stoke on Trent

The wider Church

Come here to read news and notices about the Church in the deanery, diocese, nation and throughout the world - especially presented for the people of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hanley, Stoke on Trent